Treasuries are a hugely popular phenomenon. (Etsy is the hugely popular online selling venue for artists and artisans). Sellers compete to curate a page showcasing their favorite Etsy finds on a theme. And the administration chooses several treasuries a day to be the focal point of the front page each day.
So getting chosen for a treasury means both that your work is appreciated by those who know, other Etsy sellers who chose you from among thousands, and you may get lucky and wind up on the front page where your work will be seen by hundreds of thousands. This bracelet was picked from my Mufi Jewels shop You can see even more jewelry at my other shop Personal Treasures All sales from my shops benefit "Charity Orphanage" in Liberia.
Here's the link to the Treasury: Treasuries are a fleeting phenomenon. They only last 3 days, and this one will vanish this coming Sunday at 1 (EST). So scoot on over and check it out.
this blog tried to thrust a luxury living and lifestyle of a man also of the artist, this is just a picture alone.
“Enamorado estoy de ti”
En uno de los últimos tópicos del ciclo, Gran Hermano les propuso que eligieran a uno de los chicos que fueron expulsados de la casa y le digan a la cámara todo lo que tienen para decirle cuando lo vean afuera. gh5
Juan Emilio eligió rendirle tributo a Damián, Celeste a Mariana y Soledad sorpresivamente prefirió dedicarle unas palabras a Solange –con quien solo convivió dos semanas-.Pero el plato fuerte del desafío llegó cuando Esteban decidió hablarle a Eugenia. El semental de Santa Fe mostró sus garras y relató un testimonio conmovedor: 'Haberte conocido acá adentro fue lo más lindo que me pudo pasar. Estoy muy orgulloso de la persona que sos.
Te extraño desde que me levanto hasta que me voy a dormir. Sé que afuera nada nos va a poder separar'.
Y luego remató: “Estoy muy enamorado y sé que eso no va a cambiar. Te amo con locura'.
Gran Hermano 5 gh5 finalistas esteban juan emilio bam bam soledad
Creative Sundries - Accent on Creative
ETSY shop Creative Sundries is the brain-child of Carol and Sarah Eshelman, a mother-daughter/friend-friend team from Minnesota who love to create, and also to find vintage treasures. In their shop you'll find over 100 items including jewelry, handmade cards, collage, tags, loteria-themed items and many other odd and unclassifiable novelties to stimulate your curiosity and creativity.
Headlining this article is an illustration from the 1924 book "How to Chalk Talk" by Harlan Tarbell, a a hardcover instructional book on cartooning, or "chalk talk," as the author describes it. This is one of many books full of quaint, mod, funky or otherwise unusual illustrations for inspiration, making collage or altered art, or what else? What would you do with these items? Please leave your ideas in the comments below.This is a box of 72 microscope slides. They are made of clear glass Carol and Sarah suggest they would be great for making pendants, or what else?This ephemera package includes ten pages of Japanese text. When I look at this I think, gift wrap. Any other ideas? They have more of these pages in Chinese, German, and French text.
Carol and Sarah are participants in the "90 Features in 90 Days Challenge." You can read their articles about ETSY artists and artisans at
Headlining this article is an illustration from the 1924 book "How to Chalk Talk" by Harlan Tarbell, a a hardcover instructional book on cartooning, or "chalk talk," as the author describes it. This is one of many books full of quaint, mod, funky or otherwise unusual illustrations for inspiration, making collage or altered art, or what else? What would you do with these items? Please leave your ideas in the comments below.This is a box of 72 microscope slides. They are made of clear glass Carol and Sarah suggest they would be great for making pendants, or what else?This ephemera package includes ten pages of Japanese text. When I look at this I think, gift wrap. Any other ideas? They have more of these pages in Chinese, German, and French text.
Carol and Sarah are participants in the "90 Features in 90 Days Challenge." You can read their articles about ETSY artists and artisans at
Tiffany Teske
Photography is Tiffany Teske's passion. The thrill of photography captured her imagination at the age of seven when she was given a 110 camera to document a family trip. She has continued her involvement through the years, moving from Minnesota to Arizona, Florida, New York, Maine, Ontario and Quebec before settling in Banff, Canada. She has been earning her living as a photographer since 1998, and she is incredibly prolific and accomplished as both an artist and a commercial photographer (which pays her to travel).
Tiffany maintains an ETSY shop at where she donates 10% of all sales to the local Victory Thrift Shop's snowsuit and winter clothing fund. This article focuses on a very small portion of Tiffany's output, photographic art cards that will make thoughtful gifts for friends, co-workers, an others, and an interesting way to begin to explore Tiffany's photography.
She offers a series of twenty different images and at $5 a piece they are comparable in price to mass produced cards, yet each one is a 4x6" matte photograph that has been printed at a professional photo lab and titled and signed by Tiffany. These cards are the perfect size to fit into a 5x7 frame, at which time the white border of the card acts as a "mat" for a visually pleasing display. Every card and envelope is packaged together in a clear plastic envelope with a resealable flap. Tiffany is offering free shipping on these items for the holidays.
The card heading this article is titled "Strawberry Smile".The card above is titled "December."This final card is titled "Red Poppies".
The majority of images in Tiffany's shop are beautifully atmospheric photographic originals, Polaroid transfers and emulsion lifts. She offers close to 200 images and you will have an engrossing time absorbing the sensitive detail in these images.
Tiffany is a participant in the "90 Features in 90 Days Challenge." You can read her reviews of the other participants by clicking on Portfolio, then ETSY Artists and Artisans at her website at You can also view her photography portfolio at that site. More images are available at her Flickr account And you can see even more images at
Tiffany maintains an ETSY shop at where she donates 10% of all sales to the local Victory Thrift Shop's snowsuit and winter clothing fund. This article focuses on a very small portion of Tiffany's output, photographic art cards that will make thoughtful gifts for friends, co-workers, an others, and an interesting way to begin to explore Tiffany's photography.
She offers a series of twenty different images and at $5 a piece they are comparable in price to mass produced cards, yet each one is a 4x6" matte photograph that has been printed at a professional photo lab and titled and signed by Tiffany. These cards are the perfect size to fit into a 5x7 frame, at which time the white border of the card acts as a "mat" for a visually pleasing display. Every card and envelope is packaged together in a clear plastic envelope with a resealable flap. Tiffany is offering free shipping on these items for the holidays.
The card heading this article is titled "Strawberry Smile".The card above is titled "December."This final card is titled "Red Poppies".
The majority of images in Tiffany's shop are beautifully atmospheric photographic originals, Polaroid transfers and emulsion lifts. She offers close to 200 images and you will have an engrossing time absorbing the sensitive detail in these images.
Tiffany is a participant in the "90 Features in 90 Days Challenge." You can read her reviews of the other participants by clicking on Portfolio, then ETSY Artists and Artisans at her website at You can also view her photography portfolio at that site. More images are available at her Flickr account And you can see even more images at
Backwoods Creations - In Harmony with Animals
Backwoods Creations is the ETSY shop of fabric / folk artist MaryAnn Anderson, one half of a creative couple pursuing the dream of living an artistic and creative vision. They live in central Maine with 2 corgis, Rudy and Cleo and 2 cats, Stella and Minnie. Their work integrates their spiritual beliefs and vision of the interconnectedness with others and the planet that they share. You can see examples of MaryAnn and Steve's work at their website
In this article I'll be focusing on MaryAnn's work which is small and intimate, and expresses a charming vulnerability. An example is MaryAnn's fabric sculpture "Bobo Batik Mini Mew Mew", pictured above. Bobo stands roughly 3 inches tall and 6 inches long and has a plaintive, 'take me home now' expression. I should note that these sculptures are not for children to play with as they are built on wire armatures.
MaryAnn is an active member of ETSY for Animals (EFA), a group of ETSY sellers who donate a percentage of the sale of certain items to an Animal Charity of the Month, chosen by the members. 10% of the proceeds of the following two pieces will be donated to ETSY for Animals."Freedoms just another Word" caged bird hanging decoration, a bead fringed bird cage complete with a bird on a swing. Hang this piece in a window and watch the glass beads glows."Little Bird Big Heart" is small in stature (4 inches tall) and large in personality. Next is "Benny Feral Feline" measuring roughly 9" tall by 9 inches long out of 100% cotton fabric stuffed with polyester fiberfill and padded wire.
At her shop MaryAnn also sells mixed-media collages and fiber jewelry.
MaryAnn is a participant in the "90 Features in 90 Days Challenge and writes feature articles about ETSY artists and artisand at her blog at
Los cuatros finalistas
Tanto Soledad, como Sebastián debieron hacer sus valijas, pero solo unoabandonó la casa por decisión del público. A las 23.30, Jorge Rial le pidió permiso a Gran Hermano para comunicarse con la casa y anunciarle a Sebastián que debía abandonar el juego. El sobrino de Silvia Süller, quien recibió el 82,8 % de los votos, se despidió de sus compañeros para ser recibido en el estudio central por Jorge Rial, donde se reencontró con su familia y amigos. Mediante un bolillero se sortearon los números de orden para los finalistas. El público ya puede votar quien quiere que sea el ganador de Gran Hermano 5.
El voto es en positivo. Para eso, el público debe enviar un sms al 9009 con las siglas VOT 1 para Juan Emilio, VOT 2 para Esteban, VOT 3 para Soledad y VOT 4 para Celeste. También pueden llamar al 0609-111-0000 o desde el celular al *3000 y elegir Opción 1 para Juan Emilio, Opción 2 para Esteban, Opción 3 para Soledad y Opción 4 para Celeste.
Poco antes de la medianoche, los cuatro finalistas recibieron una sorpresa muy grata. La visita de sus familiares. La primera en ingresar fue Claudia, la mamá de Soledad. Luego entró Alfredo, el papá de Esteban. Más tarde fue el turno de Graciela, la mamá de Celeste y por último ingresó Delia, la mamá de Juan Emilio. Los participantes se emocionaron mucho con las visitas. Luego de recorrer la casa, todos disfrutaron de una cena en el SUM.
Sebastián dejó la casa
“Le aviso que el resultado que contiene esto es impresionante”, le advertía el escribano Eduardo Madero a Jorge Rial al momento de entregarle el sobre que contenía el nombre del cuarto finalista. Finalmente, Sebastián Graviotto obtuvo el 82,8 por ciento de los votos de la gente y tuvo que dejar la casa de Gran Hermano 5. De esta manera, Soledad Melli -la otra participante nominada- se metió directamente en la gran final del reality.
Con la salida de Sebas, ya quedaron definidos los cuatro nombres finalistas: Celeste, Esteban, Juan Emilio y Soledad. Los últimos días de convivencia no fueron para nada fáciles para el sobrino de Silvia Süller ya que se mostró muy desanimado y con pocas ganas de participar en las actividades que realizaba el resto del grupo.
Antes de irse, Sebastián les dejó el último mensaje a los chicos: “En una semana nos vemos”.Y luego, se guardó un momento para saludar a Sole, su ex: “Sole, fue un placer”, le dijo al oído. Antes de irse, el pelilargo recibió el especial saludo de Gran Hermano: “Bueno amigo, será hasta pronto. Te deseo lo mejor y te mando un abrazo grande”, le dijo el sumo conmovido.
Cabe señalar que los cuatro finalistas recibieron la visita de sus familiares en la cena de anoche para que estos le den fuerzas a sus seres queridos en la última semana en el juego.
Con la salida de Sebas, ya quedaron definidos los cuatro nombres finalistas: Celeste, Esteban, Juan Emilio y Soledad. Los últimos días de convivencia no fueron para nada fáciles para el sobrino de Silvia Süller ya que se mostró muy desanimado y con pocas ganas de participar en las actividades que realizaba el resto del grupo.
Antes de irse, Sebastián les dejó el último mensaje a los chicos: “En una semana nos vemos”.Y luego, se guardó un momento para saludar a Sole, su ex: “Sole, fue un placer”, le dijo al oído. Antes de irse, el pelilargo recibió el especial saludo de Gran Hermano: “Bueno amigo, será hasta pronto. Te deseo lo mejor y te mando un abrazo grande”, le dijo el sumo conmovido.
Cabe señalar que los cuatro finalistas recibieron la visita de sus familiares en la cena de anoche para que estos le den fuerzas a sus seres queridos en la última semana en el juego.
Linda Chandler
Linda Chandler is the master jeweler who sells her fine handcrafted work through her ETSY shop
Linda's mastery extends into many facets of jewelry making. Whether it be silversmithing intricate filigree designs, weaving wire into almost impossible patterns or stone setting, her foremost enjoyment comes from creating unique designs. She says, "I eat, sleep, drink, shop and dream of making jewelry."
Linda began making jewelry as a child and grew up designing and handcrafting one of a kind pieces, which are her forte today. Pieces of the quality presented by Linda Chandler are collected and cherished. Her work is created in series and the jewelry pictured in this article are from four of the groups you can find in her shop today.
Above is her amazingly detailed "Mosaic Moonstone" ring. This mosaic ring was painstakingly assembled one piece at a time and appears to look black with only the rainbow moonstone when looking straight at the top. The many textures, colors and shapes are each cut by hand and are made of inlaid sterling silver, copper and brass. For a show-stopping piece of wire braiding consider this one-of-a-kind bracelet painstakingly woven of 14 carat solid gold wire. This is an heirloom piece destined to be appreciated through generations.Next are some pieces for the jewelry lover who wants to own a piece by Linda on a tighter budget. The bracelet above is one of Linda's braided 'Croc' bracelets, gracefully hand-braided of Argentium Silver wire. Argentium silver is the latest alloy on the market, has a very slow tarnish rate, and cleans up easily with mild soap and water.Linda also has many appealing silver earrings and rings with a textured dot motif. Eat your heart out John Hardy.
If you are interested in learning how to create jewelry with Linda's wonderful techniques you can buy her books. She is the co-author of "Woven Wire Jewelry" and "Getting Started Making Jewelry", both highly rated on In February of 2008 her new book "Wire Wrapping" will be published.
You can see more of her work at her web site and her Flickr page
She also maintains a blog where she writes profiles of ETSY artists and designers as part of the "90 Features in 90 Days Challenge at
Linda's mastery extends into many facets of jewelry making. Whether it be silversmithing intricate filigree designs, weaving wire into almost impossible patterns or stone setting, her foremost enjoyment comes from creating unique designs. She says, "I eat, sleep, drink, shop and dream of making jewelry."
Linda began making jewelry as a child and grew up designing and handcrafting one of a kind pieces, which are her forte today. Pieces of the quality presented by Linda Chandler are collected and cherished. Her work is created in series and the jewelry pictured in this article are from four of the groups you can find in her shop today.
Above is her amazingly detailed "Mosaic Moonstone" ring. This mosaic ring was painstakingly assembled one piece at a time and appears to look black with only the rainbow moonstone when looking straight at the top. The many textures, colors and shapes are each cut by hand and are made of inlaid sterling silver, copper and brass. For a show-stopping piece of wire braiding consider this one-of-a-kind bracelet painstakingly woven of 14 carat solid gold wire. This is an heirloom piece destined to be appreciated through generations.Next are some pieces for the jewelry lover who wants to own a piece by Linda on a tighter budget. The bracelet above is one of Linda's braided 'Croc' bracelets, gracefully hand-braided of Argentium Silver wire. Argentium silver is the latest alloy on the market, has a very slow tarnish rate, and cleans up easily with mild soap and water.Linda also has many appealing silver earrings and rings with a textured dot motif. Eat your heart out John Hardy.
If you are interested in learning how to create jewelry with Linda's wonderful techniques you can buy her books. She is the co-author of "Woven Wire Jewelry" and "Getting Started Making Jewelry", both highly rated on In February of 2008 her new book "Wire Wrapping" will be published.
You can see more of her work at her web site and her Flickr page
She also maintains a blog where she writes profiles of ETSY artists and designers as part of the "90 Features in 90 Days Challenge at
Vanessa Kimball - Sincerely Yours
Vanessa Kimball is a graphic designer with a cool, classic sensibility and the proprietor of ETSY shop
She's the woman to see for your most special holiday card and invitation needs. On Dancer, on Prancer, on Vixon....Get yourself a set of the reindeer cards above, each with a red envelope. Vanessa's cards are available in sets of from 4 to 20.
Another choice for a tasteful holiday card - "All is calm" blank holiday/winter cards with a bird resting on a branch and chocolate brown envelopes. Perfect for writing a holiday greetings to your friends. Or if you are planning a holiday party with an edge of 1950's retro sophistication, consider these funky invitations to set the stage. The green invite is a two-sided flat card with rounded corners, complemented by winter blue envelopes.
In Vanessa's shop you'll also find gift tags. She also offers custom design services including shop banners for ETSY sellers.
In her 'day job' Vanessa is a designer for Ekcetera Productions Her stationary can be purchased at Ekcetera's new store in Inver Grove Heights, MN which is billed as a creative playground, and it does sound like a fascinating concept. I urge you to click the link and learn about it.
Also check out her blog where you'll find guest artist features about other talented ETSY artists and designers as part of the "90 Features in 90 Days Challenge" at .
She's the woman to see for your most special holiday card and invitation needs. On Dancer, on Prancer, on Vixon....Get yourself a set of the reindeer cards above, each with a red envelope. Vanessa's cards are available in sets of from 4 to 20.
Another choice for a tasteful holiday card - "All is calm" blank holiday/winter cards with a bird resting on a branch and chocolate brown envelopes. Perfect for writing a holiday greetings to your friends. Or if you are planning a holiday party with an edge of 1950's retro sophistication, consider these funky invitations to set the stage. The green invite is a two-sided flat card with rounded corners, complemented by winter blue envelopes.
In Vanessa's shop you'll also find gift tags. She also offers custom design services including shop banners for ETSY sellers.
In her 'day job' Vanessa is a designer for Ekcetera Productions Her stationary can be purchased at Ekcetera's new store in Inver Grove Heights, MN which is billed as a creative playground, and it does sound like a fascinating concept. I urge you to click the link and learn about it.
Also check out her blog where you'll find guest artist features about other talented ETSY artists and designers as part of the "90 Features in 90 Days Challenge" at .
Give Gifts That Give Twice: Holiday Presents from ETSY that Benefit Charity - 2010 Edition
If you are looking for ways to make your holiday gifts more meaningful, these suggestions, all handmade by sellers at, help change the world, one gift at a time.
When you choose holiday gifts that benefit charity, you multiply the impact of your choice. Everyone benefits, from the person who receives your wonderful gift, to you and how you feel about yourself, and to the charity that receives vital support to carry out its mission.
Due to the great reponse to this article I've written additional gift guides; for children, animal lovers, holiday cards and ornaments, and more. You'll find links on the right under "Gifts That Benefit Charity".
Find a little beauty where ever you are...
Heading this article is a vibrant original oil painting on canvas, "Grassy Delta" which measures 8 x 10 inches. It can be found, along with a selection of lush and beautiful landscapes, seascapes, and skyscapes, at Etsy shop "Painting Well" 100% of the profits from all of the paintings in this shop go to fund cancer research through "Stand Up to Cancer"
Also on Etsy you'll find a collective of artists affected by cancer, "Hand Made Help," at All profits from Hand Made Help are also donated to "Stand Up to Cancer."
Your purchase of "Enchanted Emerald" earrings from Morning Glory Design will fund designer Willie Zuniga's free "Angels in the Parlor" jewelry making classes for cancer patients. Read about Willie's project here: At her shop you'll find many vintage-styled, richly colored Czech glass and antiqued brass filigree treasures:
Who on your list loves animals? Here are some gifts that benefit animal charities:
Perfect for the tea drinking elephant lover, this glass mosaic teapot from Slumptown Glass is part of a series about endangered animals ( 20% of the profits from this teapot will be donated to World Wildlife Fund ( for their work with elephants.
Each "Bow: ring from "Rock My World, Inc." is handcast from a piece of string as a 'forget me knot' ring. 20% of the proceeds goes to the Tri-County Humane Society of Florida (http://www.tricountyhumane.org
The following gifts improve the lives of people in far reaches of the globe.
You can find this charming greeting card titled "Radiant Faces" by Bamboo Village Press at where you find a variety of beautiful Asian-inspired art and materials. 25% of every purchase from the Press supports the Bamboo Village Educational Fund, a program set up keep children in rural Sichuan, China, in school and out of sweatshops. You can keep up with evolving news from Bamboo Village at
The icy set of six handsome, handmade photo cards above at Mavora Cards is a project of Big Picture Cards, single cards and card sets that allow you to send thoughtful notes to the people you love while giving beyond your circle of friends. 50% of card profits goes to aid disaster and poverty stricken lands through World Vision
Festive gold earrings with sparkling Peridot briolette gems add warmth and color and style. These earrings are from my own "Personal Treasures" shop where 50% of the proceeds from all of the refined jewelry of gold and silver, gemstones and pearls supports the children at "Charity Orphanage" in Robertsport, Liberia, West Africa. If you looking for more casual and romantic jewelry, 50% of the profits at my shop "Mufi Jewels" also benefit the orphanage. You can learn more about "Charity Orphanage" and my husband and my involvement here
This charm/pendant ($10) from benefits the Zambia Satellite, a division of Good Samaritan Ministries, which empowers Zambian nationals to improve the lives of children and adults through education, nutrition, health care and faith.
And the following work is by artisans who donate their sales to charities that help their neighbors, near and far:
Due to the growing crisis in the Gulf Coast, jewelry designer Andy Collins of Andy's House is donating 50% of the price on intriguing, marine-themed pendants and earrings to The National Audubon Society: and The Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana: You can see the collection here:
The products at "Second Line Frames" ( honor a timeless New Orleans tradition – the colorful parade that follows a funeral procession to turn tragedy into a celebration of rebirth.
Second Line Frames builds their frames from authentic wood siding salvaged from homes destroyed during Hurricane Katrina. It’s their way of preserving a little part of the beloved memory of old New Orleans while helping to rebuild it toward a better tomorrow. 20% of each sale goes to assist in the rehabilitation of affected neighborhoods. For additional frames visit their other shop Rebirth Frames, And if you'd like to read more about what the folks at Rebirth Frames do, check out this in-depth interview:
I'd like to close by mentioning another great resource for "Gifts That Give Twice," the shop Etsy for Charity, with a wide variety of work, donated by a group of sellers to benefit a specific charity every month. Members reach from America, Singapore and the UK! November sales from ETSY for charity will benefit Amnesty International.
*To read part 2 of this post click here:
Lazy Cat Gifts - Creative Crochet
Lazy Cat Gifts is a cozy cooperative venture by three friends, Allison, Stasia and Kelly, who met when two were in medical school at the University of Michigan while the third worked in a laboratory. While Allison and Stasia still live in Ann Arbor, Kelly has moved to Philadelphia, yet they keep in touch every day!
All had grandmothers who crocheted, however Kelly really learned well and "retaught" the rest. They reinvent the skills from their grandmothers to design hip and modern pieces, with an accent on creative texture. They crochet in yarn and wire, making jewelry, scarves, hats, and Amigurumi like the adorable like "Little Nemo" clown fish above (10 inches long). And here's the diminuitive Fluffy White Sheep (5 inches long).
Amigurumi (from the Japanese words for knitting and stuffed toy) is the Japanese art/fad of knitting or crocheting small stuffed animals and anthropomorphic creatures. The Amigurumi at Lazy Cat Designs are all animals from a series called "The ETSY Zoo."
Maybe because the weather is cold and raw today in Philadelphia, but I found myself strongly drawn to the Lazy Cat collection of hats, scarves and felted pieces.Here's their soft and stretchy Oslo hat, part of a series named for Scandinavian cities. Put it on and feel warmer in an instant.And lastly, here are their "Avonlea" cozy, felted slippers. Felted from 100% merino wool, these fuchsia and grey slippers will fit a girl’s size 11 1/2. However; Lazy Cat will be happy to custom make these slippers for any size foot, child or adult, and in your choice of colors.
The ladies of Lazy Cat Gifts invite you to read more about their lazy cats, their store and their feature articles on guest artists as part of the "90 Features in 90 Days Challenge" at
A Rose By Name
Anna of A Rose by Name is a precision beader who beads as a therapy for stress and her work has a meditative calm. Her style is intricate and geometric, and extremely well-crafted.
Above is her "Blue Moon" a 2 1/2 inch glass votive holder, completely encased in peyote stitched Delica beads. The deep cobalt blue of these beads reallys glow when a tea light is burning. There are well over 4,000 beads in this piece. This business card case has a subtle shimmer created by weaving almost 5,400 Delica beads in white, silver-lined pink, silver-lined antique lavendar and silver-lined deep burgundy. It is finished off with an ivory white etched French button.The piece above was Anna's entry into the Etsy BeadWeaver Challenge for September 2007. The theme was "Show Your Colors" and she used a gemstone pallette in wine, cherry, topaz, green, moss, eletric blue, midnight blue, dark violet and blue-magenta; all surrounded in metallic silver. The piece is finished off with a square of beads for a toggle.
Anna is a member of three Etsy Street Teams: Etsy BeadWeavers Street Team: http:/, Cleveland Rocks Etsy Street Team:, BBEST - Boomers & Beyond Etsy Street Team:
She also participates in the "90 Features in 90 Days Challenge" and posts daily interviews of ETSY artists and designers at
Crafty Moose - Beady Imagination
Debbie, the proprietor of the ETSY Crafty Moose shop has been crafting as long as she can remember. She loves a variety of materials and in her shop you'll find paintings, needlework, quilting, polymer clay, jewelry and french-beaded flowers. She is featuring a new line of one-of-a-kind beaded art dolls and suncatchers that really caught my eye.
Above is Debbie's "Stripes Tiger" beaded art doll. Stripes is 6" tall with head, neck, arms, legs and paws made from polymer clay - note the hot pink paw pads, and a body made from seed beads. Like all of Debbie's beaded dolls, "Stripes Tiger" has a pin back and top loop and can be worn as a pin or a pendant. Or hang the doll in a sunny window and watch it sparkle.Next is "Serena" subtitled "She Wears Her Heart on Her Sleeve," which she does. Serena is Debbie's latest project and stands 4 1/2 inches tall. Finally, the "Very Happy Cat," licking his lips, with cute button feet.
You will find many more imaginative art dolls, ACEO's and seasonal crafts in the Crafty Moose ETSY store.
You can see more of Debbie's work at her website
Also check out her blog where she is writes about other talented ETSY artists and designers at:
Giftbearer - Contemporary Tribal Jewelry
Giftbearer is the ETSY shop of jewelry artist Pippit Carlington. Pippit is a woman who draws inspiration from nature and from cultures close to the earth, working in a style she describes as "Contemporary Tribal." With over 23 years experience working with metals, gems and fibers, Pippit has mastered the tools and techniques of these mediums and moved beyond technique into expression that is deeply symbolic to Pippit and inspiring to those moved by her work.
The "Early Budding Vine" bracelet above illustrates Pippit's perfection of technique in service of a subtle and elegant form. The continuous bangle bracelet is a hollowform, making it lightweight and comfortable on the wrist. Pippit painted layers of silver clay slip on to a real vine, then baked it in a kiln, leaving behind .999 pure silver. The piece is set with gem-quality Chrysoprase 'buds'. It has a light patina; just enough to highlight the grooves and natural curves and twists of the vine, while still showing the lightly brushed silver underneath.
The bracelet above, "Hemlock Wreath Reflecting Mountain Stream," is densely woven of seed beads 'branches' with quartz crystal briolettes and tiny sterling beads, that appeared in "Bead & Button" magazine's Community's Forum Challenge #12 "Cool Water".
Describing her process Pippit has said, "I approach each piece as a living being with a soul. If I can convey this essence to the viewer and have it speak to them on a deeper level then I have done what I've set out to do. I want my work to be more than merely an accessory, but something treasured with special meaning to the buyer, not necessarily in words, but in the same way you know it when it's true love."
Pippit describes her "Many Muses" gemstone necklace above as symbolizing the "many muses we take with us on our path each day, the hearts of those who love us and inspire us tucked away for safe-keeping as amulets for good luck."
You can see additional work by Pippit at her Flickr Photostream: and at SmashingDarling where you can find a selection of her "Rain Stick" necklaces Shortly her work will also be available at Mindt:
Pippit is sensitive to many political and social issues, and uses her art and her example as a socially engaged artist to educate.
She developed the psychosocial rehabilitation program "Artvision" in which she mentored artists with mental illness. Pippit taught the participating artists to run an art-based business, preparing them to earn money through their talents. The project was fully self-supporting, operating without government funding.
Combining entreprenurial energy with artistic vision, Pippit founded and continues to lead ETSY's "Art Jewelry Collective Street Team" which you can learn about at and
Her most recent endeavor is the innovative marketing plan "The 90 Features in 90 Days Challenge" in which this blog participates. You can read Pippit's in-depth features in her blog "Art Life News Blog"
A Lil Sumptin Sumptin
A lil sumptin sumptin about Eva, the designer behind She's been involved in art since childhood, covertly doodling girly faces in her older siblings school notebooks. She's a Jill of many trades, with training as a fashion designer, illustrator and calligrapher.
For the past 3 years she has been designing jewelry that is strongly graphic and frequently humorous. Common themes are flower gardens and dogs, two of her loves. The jewelry showcases collectible handmade lampwork glass beads by well-known glass artists with the proceeds of many pieces donated to charitable causes.
A case in point is the bracelet and earring set pictured above, inspired by "The Secret Garden", by Frances Hodgson Burnett, a beloved story of many people's childhoods. It features flowers torched by glass artist, Dawn White, a flying bug by Janet Crosby, and a plethora of glass beads, Swarovski crystals, and other sterling silver components. To enhance the storyline, Eva has added sterling silver charms: a garden trowel, hand cultivator, a packet of sunflower seeds, a watering can, daisy flower, gardening cutters, a fancy key, and a heart shaped lock. The piece is 'signed' with one of her sterling silver tags. You can see closeups of the many delightful details in this piece at
This next bracelet also features lampwork glass by Dawn White, along with Karen Hill Tribe fine silver leaves, Swarovski Crystals and high-quality turquoise from the Sleeping Beauty mine.
In honor of Eva's two golden retrievers, who were both adopted from local animal shelters and have since passed away, Eva has established "Paws for a Good Cause." PAWS is a permanent section in her Etsy shop, as well as annual eBay charity auctions where 100% of the proceeds benefit various animal and human non-profit organizations. The following pieces also feature glass by Janet Crosby.
This piece is titled "Curtain Call."
This closeup is of a 30" asymmetrical necklace featureing handcrafted black and white beads by Sarah Friskey, with the dog by Crosby.
Find out more about PAWS at Eva also maintains a second jewelry shop where she sells jewelry making supplies at
Eva is one of the participants in the "90 Features in 90 Days Challenge." You can learn more about her and read her terrific reviews of the other talented artists and designers in the Challenge at
Creativity Quote - Buckminster Fuller
“When I am working on a problem I never think about beauty. I only think about how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong.” Buckminster Fuller:
I had the privilege to meet and speak privately with Buckminster Fuller when I was in my twenties, and the conversation and the impact of his personality has always stayed with me.
The following condensed summary below is adapted from the fascinating Wikipedia article about Buckminster Fuller's life:
Richard Buckminster “Bucky” Fuller (July 12, 1895 – July 1, 1983) was an American visionary, designer, architect, poet, author, and inventor. He was the second President of Mensa.
Throughout his life, Fuller was concerned with the question "Does humanity have a chance to survive lastingly and successfully on planet Earth, and if so, how?" Considering himself an average individual without special monetary means or academic degree, he chose to devote his life to this question, trying to find out what an individual like him could do to improve humanity's condition that large organizations, governments, or private enterprises inherently could not do.
Pursuing this lifelong experiment, Fuller wrote more than thirty books, coining and popularizing terms such as "spaceship earth", ephemeralization, and synergetics. He also worked in the development of numerous inventions, chiefly in the fields of design and architecture, the best known of which is the geodesic dome. Carbon molecules known as fullerenes or buckyballs were named for their resemblance to a geodesic sphere.
>"There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly." Buckminster Fuller
Contas Brasil - Be Precious
Brazilian sisters Suzy Wortberg and Bebê de Soares and their friend and fellow expatriate Ana Vilas Boas maintain a shop in Koln, Germany as a tiny, transplanted slice of Brazilian energy. All three are jewelers and their work is lush and colorful. ETSY shop Contas Brasil is their online spot to shop.
Above is Bebe de Soares "Bead Cocktail". And here is Bebe's 'mission statement' that captures the feeling of the Contas Brasil shop:
"To be Brazilian
Living in a tropical paradise
surrounded by stimulating colors and brightness.
Keeping alive the joy and spontaneity of a child.
CONTASBRASIL wants to bring the unique feeling of living in Brazil to every corner of the world.
Exotic, joyful and irresistible.
Impossible not to be enchanted
by the colors and shapes of Brazil."
This more structured piece is by Suzy Wortberg.
And here is a "Waterfall" necklace by Ana Vilas Boas - one of a series.
At their shop they also feature work by talented brazilian artist Sandra Fukelmann, who creates irresistable "Doll Bags," each with a real doll attached. This Flor Doll Bag is made of velvet with a red leather handle. The fancy flower can also be worn as brooch!
There is a great variety in the designs of the Contas Brasil group. If you love color and exuberant design you can see more at their ETSY shop and also at the following locations:
Suzy and Bebe also have a shop for supplies at
Their website at
More photos at:
Sister Bebe is participating in the "90 Features in 90 Days Challenge," writing articles about the talented artists and designers who sell on ETSY at She is a theater actress and director, after having had a career in dance.
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