new at Personal TreasuresI want you to be among the first to know. . .My husband Bill Lawhorn is returning to Africa to work with orphaned children. To fund his efforts all profits from my jewelry businesses will be devoted to Bill’s projects. Initially we will focus on support of the children of "Charity Orphanage," Robertsport, Liberia, the details are below.
To launch the fundraising effort, I’m having a sale of all of my personally handmade, original designs in gold and silver, gemstones and pearls from September 24th through December 31st!
Personal Treasures -
http://personaltreasures.etsy.comMufi Jewels -
http://mufi.etsy.comBuy one piece and receive a 10% discount, 2 purchases receive 15% and buy 3 or more and get 20% off your entire order.
Here’s how to purchase:
- Buy at the stated price and I will refund your discount, and combine shipping if you shop at both stores, through PayPal.
- Voila! Your jewelry is on it’s way to you.
new at Mufi JewelsAbout Bill’s project. . .
In his youth Bill did 2 tours in the Peace Corps as a teacher in Cape Mount County, Liberia. Throughout his career as a Social Worker in child welfare and adoptions, he has maintained his connections with Liberia.
Liberia is now recovering from a 14-year civil war in which 300,000 people died and the infrastructure of the country was destroyed. There are many children who have been left orphaned and homeless and in great need of help.
Now that he’s retired, Bill is working with a NGO (non-governmental organization) and a group of expatriate Liberians to develop projects to improve the conditions in Liberian orphanages.
Through these connections he found that one of his fellow teachers in Liberia had taken in 35 orphaned children that she is now struggling to support. So initial focus will be on helping "Charity Orphanage" in Robertsport, Liberia.
He plans to be in Liberia in early 2009. I will post updates on the project here at my blog. You can supscribe to or follow the blog to get the news.
Here's an update from December 11 - ideas for gifts that benefit Africans - with links to articles on other blogs for even more resources -