I've Been Cyber-Tagged!

I've been tagged by Theresa J of “Magnificent Obsession” at http://theresaj.blogspot.com/. Playing tag is a social networking game and a fun way to explore new blogs. The rules of the game are simple:

* Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
* Don't forget to let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

About me:

1. My hair started turning grey when I was 15.

2. My first solid food was a steamed clam.

3. I once went snow camping for 10 days on my own.

4. I read my favorite authors again, and again, and again.

5. Although my legal name is Phyllis, in my childhood I was always called Muffy. I started calling myself Phyllis when I started college. Then I married my husband who calls me Mufi, oh well.

6. I once co-wrote a pumpkin cook book. I have a picture of myself (taken by a local newspaper) wearing a plaid shirt in a pumpkin patch and holding a pumpkin pie.

7. I write a column for the Live Your Dreams project - http://www.liveyourdreamcampaign.org/ of the Soroptimist organization - http://www.soroptimist.org. If you like this blog you may be interested in the Soroptimists. They’re an international network of women that improves the lives of women and girls worldwide.

I am tagging:

That’s Headley - http://thatsheadley.blogspot.com/
Elektra Jewelry Design - http://elektrajewelry.blogspot.com/
Allie Art: Photography Benefiting Children - http://allieart4children.blogspot.com/
Artists Who Give Back - http://www.thisisitcreations.blogspot.com
Fancy Free Me - http://fancyfreeme.blogspot.com/
Kerin Rosee - http://kerinrose.blogspot.com/
Planet Janet - http://janetcatmull.blogspot.com/
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