I'm celebrating! Today "Personal Treasures" jewelry is on the front page of a new site "Buried Treasuries" http://www.buriedtreasury.blogspot.com/.
It's a great, free way for Etsy folk to promote themselves, and a new venture from Etsy metal artist Tim Adams. You can see the work of over 500 artists and artisans, rate their work, leave comments and save images to social networking sites. I hope you'll visit and have a good time exploring. I did.
If you're reading this after November 6th, you'll find my work posted under "Jewelry Lovers 2". And here's a little plug for Tim Adams. He does a lot to educate artists and artisans about marketing and his own work is really strong. The picture above is just a sample. You can see lots more here: http://www.timothyadamdesigns.com/