"There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world, than for bread". Mother Theresa
You’re invited to a #Kindness Twitter Party!
Date: Sunday, January 25
Time: 5 - 7 (Eastern Standard Time) 2-4 (PST), 10-12 (GMT)
Place: http://twitter.com. (I'm at http://twitter.com/phyllismufson)
Everyone is invited.
All you need to do to attend is to share your appreciation.
Read someone’s bio, visit their links, read their Tweets, find something you genuinely appreciate about them, and write about it, and add #kindness to the end of your Tweet.
Do this as many (or many, many, many) times as you like.
Let’s create an unstoppable Twitterwave of appreciation.
Of course you don’t need to be on Twitter to attend. Just take the time to appreciate someone, look at them with appreciative eyes, listen to them carefully, and share what you see with them. Then notice the impact of what you said, on the person you said it to - and on yourself. It’s so simple, and so powerful.
“Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams