Director David Dhawan at the director's special screening for the film 'Thanks Maa' at Cinemax, Mumbai. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
Satish Kaushik at the director's special screening for the film 'Thanks Maa' at Cinemax, Mumbai. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
David Dhawan at director's special screening for the film 'Thanks Maa' at Cinemax, Mumbai. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
David Dhawan at director's special screening for the film 'Thanks Maa' at Cinemax, Mumbai. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
Director's Special screening for the film 'Thanks Maa' at Cinemax, Mumbai. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
Sajay Chhel at director's Special screening for the film 'Thanks Maa' at Cinemax, Mumbai. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
Piyush Jha (L) with Sanjay Chhel at director's Special screening for the film 'Thanks Maa' at Cinemax, Mumbai. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
Piyush Jha at director's Special screening for the film 'Thanks Maa' at Cinemax, Mumbai. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
Director's Special screening for the film 'Thanks Maa' at Cinemax, Mumbai. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)