The average person only keeps their New Year's Resolutions for 12 days... which can sound pretty discouraging.
But before you decide not to set resolutions this year listen to the radio interview below and get tips on how to turn your resolutions into goals you will really achieve....
Janet Taylor, President of Totally Organized and radio host on Blog Talk Radio interviewed me on this topic tonight. Here's the link to listen:
To make it easier to follow along with the the interactive activity for beginning to develop life goals here are the areas of life mentioned:
Mental - the functions of your find - memory, learning, creativity.
Physical - health and fitness, energy.
Family - your relationships with those closest to you.
Social - your relationships with your friends.
Service - what you contribute to the community.
Spiritual - your relationship with the absolute - however you define it.
Career - your involvement in your chosen field.
Environment - your physical surroundings.
Financial - your management of your financial resources and obligations.
Here are links to the resources I mention in the interview:
Online support group for people setting and achieving goals. The Bulletin Boards at -
Resources for finding a coach:
The Coach Training Institute - Find a Coach -
International Coach Federation - Find a Coach -
My coaching website Catalyst for Growth -
Janet Taylor's Totally Organized website where you can sign up to hear about upcoming interviews -
***After posting "Resolutions and Goals" I heard from many people who wanted more info on S.M.A.R.T. Goals, the goal setting model I describe in the interview so I've written part 2 with that info. You can find it here: