What do you want? Start a new business - or grow an existing one? Refocus your career?
. . . and how about that dream project you've been talking about for so long but keep putting on the back burner? Are you getting bored with listening to your own excuses?
Put your Feet to the Fire right now and know the satisfaction of seeing progress, getting movement where it was once stagnant and creating momentum where you haven't been able to before.
Feet to the Fire is an accountability group designed to keep you focused, motivated and moving towards your objectives. Designed and facilitated by Phyllis Mufson*, the group provides a structure of peer support, networking, brainstorming and accountability to augment your own efforts.
Feet to the Fire will be more than useful to anyone in transition, anyone who works alone, or with a long-unrealized task, including:
• Building a business
• Managing a job search
• Executing the next major move in your career or private life
• Stabilizing shaky self-discipline
• Doing what you want to do instead of what you need to do
• Organizing your time and effort
• Meeting self-imposed deadlines
• Working through fear and discouragement
• Bringing dreams to life.
Don’t think you can do it? Come on, take off your shoes and take on the challenge!
Feet to the Fire begins with an in-person meeting at The Mission Grill, 1835 Arch Street, Philadelphia that includes refreshments, followed by six weekly conference meetings by phone, an in-person ‘Idea Party’, and more. The first meeting will be Monday, May 12th from 6 – 8pm and the program lasts two months.
By taking advantage of this pilot program at $125 a month you’ll save on the regular price of $150 a month and have the opportunity to renew for another two months at the pilot program price.
For more information or to register, contact Phyllis Mufson at 215-545-7259, pmufson@comcast.net.