Support For Your Success on Blog Talk Radio

Why do some people succeed in reaching their goals while others give up?

Yesterday I was a guest on Janet Taylor’s “Totally Organized” show on Blog Talk Radio talking about what’s really important in supporting your success. You can listen to the show here:

The conversation covers lots of ground, including:
- how to set the most effective goals
- a chance to rate how well you manifest the traits common to successful people based on recent research
- what’s working for Janet as she pursues her own goals
- a visit with your intuition to check for inner obstacles that will put a crimp in your motivation
- how to set up structures to keep yourself focused, motivated and supported as you move into action.

This visit continued the discussion Janet and I had on her show mid-December about the differences between making New Year’s resolutions and setting goals that included information about how to set goals using the highly effective S.M.A.R.T. goals model. You can find a link to the original radio interview here: and you can find details about how to set S.M.A.R.T. goals here:

Richard St. John, who conducted the research into traits that lead to success that I talk about on Janet’s show, interviewed 500 highly successful people to write his book “8 to Be Great: The 8 Traits that Lead to Great Success”. Here’s a link to an entertaining 3 minute video where he boils down his research into 8 words:

I really enjoyed visiting with Janet again and she has invited me to return.

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