Helping the Children of "Charity Orphanage" in Liberia

After thirty-seven years away, Bill Lawhorn (my husband) returned to Liberia last Spring. His plan was to finally visit "Charity Orphanage" in Robertsport, delivering funds we raised for the orphanages' support, to reconnect with friends he made while in the Peace Corp in the 1970's, and to learn more about the reconstruction of this intriguing country. Bill is preparing to launch a blog where he will write about all of these topics in depth, but in the meanwhile I thought you would be interested to see some of the photos from his trip.

Heading this article: Loretta Sambollah with Musu. Loretta founded "Charity Orphanage" in Robertsport during Liberia's recent horrific civil war. Bill met Loretta when they both taught at Methodist Elementary School in Robertsport while Bill was a Peace Corp Volunteer. It is through that connection that Bill and I became involved in helping the orphans, with Bill's experience as a child welfare social worker and through the sale of the gemstone jewelry that I handcraft.
Frank Sambollah (Loretta's husband) with several of the 28 children from the orphanage. When Bill met Frank, he was a lawyer who ran the local community center. Since Franks' retirement he has helped Loretta with the children.This little boy is poignantly named "Noofme" which means "no one for me."
And this is Saifa.
There's a small school at the orphanage. In addition to donating money for direct needs (food, etc.) Bill was able to buy books, paper, chalk, and other school supplies as well as balls and other toys for the children.

Bill had a great trip. He visited the capital Monrovia, and in addition to spending time at the orphanage, he travelled throughout Cape Mount County with the County Superintendent, and even met Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the President of Liberia. You'll find links to more photos at the end of this article as well as links to more information about "Charity Orphanage" and the history and current situation in Liberia.
"A Gem of a Cause" End of Summer Sale - 5 Days Only
Bill and I send the profits from the jewelry at Mufi Jewels to help support the children at 'Charity Orphanage.'

For 5 days only - Monday, August 31 through Friday, September 4th, selected jewelry will be on deep discount. This is an affordable way to add to your jewelry collection with one-of-a-kind or limited edition, original designs, handmade with care by me - and photographed by Bill. You’ll find details about the sale posted at the shop and some jewelry photos in the right side bar.

For more background on Liberia and on Bill's trip click here:
To see more of Bills' photos click here:

Marchesa Luisa Casati: the most scandalous woman of her day. An inspiration for our day.

E' stata una ricchissima nobildonna e una grande collezionista d'arte. Una donna il cui fascino è tutt'oggi rievocato. Luisa Casati nacque nel 1881 e divenne Marchesa nel 1900 prendendo in sposo il marchese milanese Camillo Casati Stampa di Soncino. Iniziò così una vita carica di passioni, amori, stravaganza ed inconfondibile stile.

Una delle donne più artisticamente rappresentate nella storia dopo Cleopatra. La Marchesa Casati voleva divenire un'opera d'arte vivente. Amava adornarsi di gioielli Lalique e delle famose "pantere" di Cartier. Acclamata per le sue stravaganti apparizioni, divenne per molti uomini importanti dell'epoca una fonte di ispirazione: da Marcel Proust al conte Robert de Montesquiou, e artisti come Picasso e Dalì. Mentre da Gabriele D'Annunzio ricevette l'onore di essere considerata l'incarnazione della vera donna dandy.

Con le sue folli feste veneziane e le visite parigine riuscì ad impressionare indelebilmente Colette, Elsa Schiapparelli e Coco Chanel. Ed è proprio la maison Chanel, con la sua cruise collection veneziana, che fa rivivere i sogni e lo stile di questa donna che pur mantenendo il proprio stile finì i suoi giorni in miseria a Londra.

Il mito di Luisa Casati fa sognare chiunque si avvicini alla sua storia, ed è così che due incredibili designers americane decisero di intitolare il proprio brand proprio a questa figura.
Georgina Champman e Keren Creig danno vita nel 2004 a Marchesa, un marchio dai voluti riferimenti vintage dell'epoca.

(Georgina Champman e Keren Creig)

Marchesa è rapidamente diventato punto di riferimento delle dive di Hollywood, che nei più importanti red carpet sfoggiano l'eleganza di un raffinato gusto retrò.

Misha Barton Sienna Miller Eva Longoria

From Gossip Girl with love

Taylor Momsen

La fine di una dinastia

La notizia della morte di Ted Kennedy, ultimo erede della famiglia più famosa degli Stati Uniti, mi fa subito ripensare all'eleganza dei Kennedy e sopratutto la semplice eleganza di Jackie, una modernissima icona di stile.

From Sea of Shoes: Chanel bow-tie booties

E' sicuramente uno dei miei blog preferiti, e tra le tantissime proposte glamour da Sea of Shoes posso assolutamente invidiare questi super stiletti Chanel.
Vedere per credere... ...

Haute Couture FW 2009/10. I love Paris

Elie Saab
Christian Dior
Alexis Mabille

Alessandra Rich

Preziosa e lussuosa. Sono questi i due aggettivi che descrivono al meglio la collezione di Alessandra Rich. Più attuale che mai, questo è il primo brand che abbraccia la cultura islamica all'alta qualità sartoriale italiana.
Questa incredibile stilista italiana ha sviluppato una collezione formata da capi impreziositi da più di 500 cristalli Swarovski che rendono speciali degli outfit per eventi da mille e una notte.

Caroline Sieber. Muse or brand ambassador?

Caroine Sieber. Muse or brand ambassador?


Congratulation G!

Philadelphia "Light the Night" Kickoff Party


Thursday, September 10th from 5:30-7:00pm

Mission Grill, 1835 Arch Street, at the corner of 19th Street, Philadelphia.

Enjoy complimentary beer, wine, sangria, margaritas and appetizers from 5:30-6:30p.m. as you learn how you can help save lives by joining the "Small Business Lights the Night" walk team to benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. RSVP for the info session here:
Come to the Party - Sponsor a Walker - Donate - Spread the Word! Your participation on any level is appreciated.

Learn more about the Walk at the “Small Business Lights the Night” team page here:

If you can’t attend the Kickoff party but want to participate, contact Team Captain Phyllis Mufson, or Light The Night Campaign Manager, Chandra Rulf, - OR - Make a donation

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