Living Within Your Means Workshop

Living Within Your Means:
Making Your Dreams Practical and Sustainable
Thursday, October 22nd, 4:30-6:00 pm
The Pyramid Club, 1735 Market Street, 52nd Floor, Philadelphia
Refreshments will be served during the session and conversation will continue at a Cash Bar following the workshop.

In today’s turbulent economic environment how can we take steps to live within our means and continue to pursue our dreams? Today’s workshop is designed to help you clarify what is essential to your personal and professional future; and set in place the financial and motivational habits that will help you sustain forward momentum, whatever your mood or situation.

Hosted by:
Bronwyn L. Martin, financial advisor, Ameriprise Financial associated franchise and winner of the “2008 PA Best 50 Women in Business.”
Phyllis Mufson, Catalyst for Growth, is a certified life coach and career consultant who has helped hundreds of women realize their personal and professional dreams.

Fee: $15. Profits will be donated to the Sandy Ovarian Cancer Foundation

RSVP to or call 610-444-8312. Reservations are limited so please reserve early to avoid disappointment.


840 ragioni per amarlo

Lady Dior: I'm totally obsessed with it

Un'icona femminile di stile ed eleganza che diventa un simbolo nella storia della moda: Lady Dior.
E' senz'altro una delle borse più desiderate e amate, ed è diventata la mia ossessione.
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