Reflection and Setting Goals - Lay the Groundwork to Make 2009 Your Best Year Yet

Year end is a great time to reflect and plan the future. Here are questions to reflect on and answer that will help you make 2009 be your best year yet –

Answering these questions will help you celebrate what you’ve accomplished this year and lay the groundwork to make positive changes in the New Year. You may want to do the writing now, or in the quiet time between Christmas and New Year’s, whatever works for you. I usually start this process early and refine my answers before the year end, so that I feel clear, focused and ready as the New Year begins. To get the most from this activity I suggest you take a few hours to really think about your answers.

Yesterday I was a guest on Janet Taylor's 'Totally Organized' show on Blog Talk Radio, talking about this topic. You can listen to the show here: http://www/ Here are the questions we discuss in depth -

What did you accomplish in 2008?
- What did you do that you are proud of?
- What problems have you solved?
- What actions have you taken?
- What have you done to take good care of yourself?
- What have you done to help others?

What were your disappointments?
- What dreams didn’t come true?
- Where did you get stuck?
- What did you give up on?
- Did you have any losses in 2008?
- Did changes in the economy hit you hard?
- Did you lose an important relationship?

What did you learn?
- Reflecting on your answers to the first 2 questions – what worked for you?
- What would you do differently?
- Are there personal values you want to focus on more strongly in the New Year?
- Would it help you to get additional support to stay on track?

How do you limit myself from getting what you want, and how can you stop? There are some habits and ways of thinking that will really get in the way when you want to make positive changes.
- How do you limit myself? For example:
Do you let other people’s opinions of you mean more than your own and not do what you plan because of fear of criticism?
Do you not follow through on what you say you’ll do?

Take an honest – and gentle – look at yourself.

- What do you say about yourself to explain these limits? How we explain our actions to ourselves shapes how we see ourselves, what we think is possible, and what we’re willing to try to do.
Do you beat yourself up when you make a mistake and call yourself stupid?
Do you think you don’t have enough time?
That you’re not good with money?
Do you think you’re too much? Or not enough?

These and other ‘limiting beliefs’ can stop you in your tracks before you even start, or make you feel like a car that’s driving with the emergency brake on as you try to move forward. Negative answers may be an indication of limiting negative beliefs about yourself. The good news is that while you won’t change everything all at once during the course of next year you can make substantial progress on the toughest of these limits. And making changes in this area can lead to great fulfillment.

How would you like to think of yourself in the future?

What are my strongest values?
- What do you need to do to feel that you are living in integrity? For example is it important for you to act with compassion? Tell the truth? Challenge yourself to take risks? Whatever the answers are, they will be unique to you and living your values is of utmost importance to your peace of mind.

What are the important roles you play in your life? And which areas of your life need more attention next year? Is your relationship with your parents, your spouse, your children, your co-workers, what you want it to be? How about your relationship with yourself and how you care for you?

Want to go further exploring where to put your focus next year. Here's a link to an article and audio that takes you step-by-step into a 'Whole Life Review' that helps you assess your satisfaction with the various areas of your life. After a Whole Life Review you’ll be sparkling clear about your direction for 2009.

What are my goals for 2009?
What actually works in setting effective, achievable goals? The next link takes you to step-by-step, proven information about what's important in setting goals you can achive -

How can you get the support and structure you need to stay on track?
The link below leads to an article and audio that explains a variety of ways to get support to stay motivated and on track. One or more of these suggestions will work for you.

Where would you like to be in your life this time next year?

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